Hi you must be thinking who I am. I am Divyalakshmi mudaliar. New to Medium. I am 14 years old. Today I was taught a new lesson. The lesson name was Bond of love.
After reading the lesson I felt the unconditional love that my mother and my father were giving me.
Can you understand what I mean by saying this. I inherited self‐discipline and honesty from my mother and my father.
When Baba(the bear) got separated from the mother she wept and fretted. She did not eat anything. Same with Baba(the bear) even it did not eat anything.
The same with us we cannot live without our parents nor our parents can live without us. I understood this when I fell ill my mother and my father did not sleep for the whole night.
They were worried for me. When I started my first day school my parents were very unhappy to get separated from me. My parents were praying the God that nothing should happen to me.
They always wanted me to be happy so they sacrifice their dreams for me. When I wanted something then they never say no to it and buy it for me.